Only to Yet Again Be Interrupted

The church had leafleted the area but sadly, yet again, there was no response.
He gave an exemplary performance yet again and had this been the Oscars he'd have walked away with bagfuls of awards and lucrative contracts.
With the creation of the Maquis in the course of 1943, independence and diversity were yet again at the centre of the resistance experience.
I now know to read my lecture notes soon after writing them, again a few days later then yet again before I am tested on this knowledge.
Before too much height is lost, the pilot will seek another thermal, gain height in it, and then set off on course yet again.
In trying to keep council services to a bare minimum, they are yet again lining up another key service for closure.
Mrs. Steavens recalls Antonia helping Ambrosch thresh wheat in the fields yet again, and herding the cattle.
The world yet again faces another mind-boggling issue which threatens the existence of human beings on planet earth.
The rules of self-sufficiency were changed yet again as oxygen was pumped in to prevent brain damage.
Over the summer months of toil and voluntary effort it will yet again become apparent who has earned the right to have their say.
These shakes, and similar products, offer a quick way to chug some extra calories without having to belly up to the dining table yet again.
They headed down through his back yard, pausing momentarily for Matt to show off yet again, by doing a back flip off the trampoline.
From where I am, I see yet again more litter and destruction by mindless vandals.
As the national team goes through the doldrums yet again the critics and the tricoteuses are lining up.
The Harrogate Angling Supplies-backed star won yet again with a fine haul of 72 lb 6oz.
Specifics aside, this is one slim, trim, light package and every time you pick it up you marvel yet again.
And perhaps most importantly, it can only increase yet again public cynicism and mistrust of government and politics.
The songs are anthems for those bedecked in shoulder pads and leg warmers, and yet again it seems that what goes around comes around.
The movie itself is an instant classic with yet again amazing visuals, dialogue, twists, action sequences, performances, and sound track.
Windermere yet again were unable to put out their best side due to illness and injury.

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It's over, and we're out, having underperformed and underachieved in a major tournament yet again.
Well, it seems that I yet again have to suffer through another year with you undereducated and underachieving students.
Hounds were in ascendancy in the early part of the second half and Cygan went close yet again following a flowing move.
From San Francisco, he is transported yet again to Seattle, Washington to be sold as a sled dog.
But a booby prize for the authority as, yet again, the collecting point has been overwhelmed at this holiday season.
Such men must be honoured and respected, lest chaos engulf the navel of the world yet again.
Finally, as they were closing in yet again, we veered toward shore and crossed a line of breakers onto the reef.
Kerry was injured yet again on 13 March 1969, in an action for which he was awarded both a Bronze Star and his third Purple Heart.
Furious denials are plentiful, but he may yet again have to turn its gaze south-westwards.
After a while, the girls had quieted down enough for Shannon to fall asleep and for Sarah to start nodding off, yet again.
He only silently curses the Quartermaster for somehow arranging him to be left with this nagging virago yet again.
The move has been delayed yet again as our buyer has changed her buyer yet again.
Bolton boss Sam Allardyce could not hide his frustration at seeing his side squander a lead yet again.
Ten minutes later, I was dead to the world yet again, buried deep beneath my warm comforter and cotton sheets.
Groaning and mentally cursing his girly looks, red tainted his face yet again.
In a year that has yet again seen the world of comic books plundered by Hollywood for source material, one film stands alone.
What happens on a Sunday truly matters, and when the Bears lost yet again last weekend, the searing pain seeped down the terracing.
Shrugging in a careless way, Leanne yet again, flung her mother aside and stepped outside onto the street.
We have to look at that and ask ourselves whether we are prepared to put up with that sort of carry-on yet again.
The event was very well-attended, with Bangaloreans proving, yet again, that the city has a heart of gold.

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The early hours of last Wednesday morning saw the Jeanie Johnston hoist its sails yet again and head for the high seas.
Today, at the initiative of the Saudis, the entire mainstream Arab world is yet again suing for peace in the Middle East.
With the polls behind him, he went all out and yet again totally overplayed his hand.
Finally, while standing upon his chimney, a helicopter flew by with a ladder lowered, and yet again called for him to save himself.
You don't hear yourself telling your entire life story yet again, or listen as they chunter on about theirs.
In the larger world outside the cloistered environs of Cambridge academia, the ever-shifting kaleidoscope of life was shaken yet again.
He's just lashing out in impotent frustration at the thought of neo-liberal policies being rejected yet again.
However, it was a cruel twist of fate that robbed him yet again of a sprint race win and, therefore, of an Irish double.
If you find yourself tossing and turning yet again, get out of bed and find a comfortable chair to rest in until you feel tired again.
Sad yet again, if so, that journalists have to resort to indirection to shame their seemingly unshamable peers.
Jenni rolled her eyes and reached for her coffee as it slid across the table as the ferry pitched yet again.
As glorious Tramore yet again defied the dismal weather forecasts the fans flocked to the seaside venue.
Shilparamam, the crafts village at Madhapur, has yet again become the venue for the display of craftsmanship of weavers and handicraft artisans.
Raven spun the crank yet again, and they could hear more of the whirring sound.
They asked their question yet again, and Bill began laughing crazily in response, growing hysterical.
After signaling everyone to stay outside, I carefully crept back into my room where I heard them discussing, yet again, me.
They began to trample their way up the slopes yet again, the crisp snow crunching beneath their feet.
This very simple and crude estimation procedure proves to be very useful, although it increases the computation time yet again.
As their bodies moved on auto-pilot, they pushed on through the 30-mile trekking loop to face the frigid Alaskan glacial waters yet again.
This fall, as we've witnessed the devastation of the California wildfires, we have been reminded yet again of the firefighters' brave deeds.

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But he hung on, and drew the next 17 games before losing yet again in the 27th game.
A draw in Dublin and a loss in Switzerland was not enough and yet again we have missed out on the promised land of the major championships.
But, yet again, I failed miserably and came away feeling dejected, disheartened, deflated and demoralised.
But this inspiring and moving parallel demonstrates yet again why he is so very, and despicably, wrong.
After deciding that all signs of the injury were well hidden she began digging through the closet yet again in search of a shirt.
Jack hesitantly followed her in and was greeted yet again by another awe-inspiring sight.
And yet again they displayed grit, guts and determination after falling behind in a mere 21 seconds.
She was educated by British nuns who insisted on public-school elocution, and there you are yet again.
Yet despite this jollier presence, he demonstrated yet again that he's one of pop music's first-class growlers.
The western powers have proved yet again their willingness to resort to intimidation and old-style gunboat diplomacy to achieve their ends.
Tramore has drawn the short straw yet again and has the dubious distinction of hosting the final game of 2003 on Sunday, 28th December.
He was so honored and yet again, distraught that my name was on the bottom corner.
I grabbed my stomach and quickly dodged to my right, to avoid his fists yet again.
It is likely that expansionist retailers will yet again dominate the market.
It's his homeworld and he says he lives in fear of being drafted back into their military yet again.
The Bank's pronouncements flow from an equally dreary view that inflation is yet again about to take off.
When his first wife died, he picked a second from another of Virginia's first families, and when she died he did so yet again.
I make a note for my official report that the presumption of innocence has yet again been violated.
But yet again the photographer was turned away because the gallery was booked up.
Donal Hennessy is the new musical director while Laura Kilkenny is yet again responsible for costume design and wardrobe.

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This record yet again opened me up to the possibilities of blues, maybe a little jazz and even a little country.
What if I have to spend tomorrow, yet again, in that weird state of tearful, jet-lagged exhaustion that lack of sleep creates?
Ben yet again found a brilliant balance between instrument and voice, adding a truly professional contribution to the show.
You never know when that kid with a rap sheet a mile long will circumvent the system yet again because of a judge's ruling.
The price of this independence was that now, yet again, they were flat broke.
This was brought home to me yet again the other day by a Japanese friend, a young man.
That's when he was hit by thieves yet again when somebody broke the trailer loose from the truck.
The fault lies clearly, yet again, with inefficient and inept council officers and management.
He stands up yet again, pats several pockets and produces a large, heavy object on an impressive gold chain.
The adage that there are no permanent enemies in politics has been proved true yet again today.
But now it is clear that, yet again, entertainment is being confused with education.
But if the national theatre model has to be reworked yet again, a decision could be months away.
In the past, promises have been made, kept and broken, and they are being made yet again.
He was delighted to be re-elected and delighted to have topped the poll yet again.
So yet again this coming bank holiday weekend is going to be a nightmare for a huge number of rail travellers.
He feinted and I took the bait as he kicked me hard in the stomach, winding me yet again.
We find yet again our so-called leaders are engaged in point scoring of the pettiest nature.
Starting proceedings off at the early time of 4 pm the Flames showed yet again that they are a very potent team with a killer instinct.
I wonder if the film has been recut yet again for DVD release, as the running time is only 95 minutes on the disc.
So I shall have to take time off work to study the plans, and spend time yet again redoing my objection.

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We have to wait for re-marks, but the first indications are that local schools have yet again helped pupils achieve even more.
A brief detente and the hope for a lasting peace have given way to acrimony yet again.
But this season he is driving as well as he ever has in the best car in the field and is on course to rewrite the record books yet again.
Instead Gerrard steadied himself, hit the shot that couldn't be stopped and yet again he'd saved the day.
Management today emphasised, yet again, that they had no wish to pay top dollar.
The next day it voted to remonstrate yet again against the king's reply to the protestations of the thirteenth.
Over the next month we will be hearing rather a lot, yet again, about those 99 years, the law of averages, and luck.
Obviously trying to recruit from the anti-globalisation movement, they yet again try to rubbish anarchism.
In 1977, the community was restudied yet again, using the same research instruments but with minor changes.
Much more likely, he wants to demonstrate, yet again, his anti-American credentials.
This he did in 1886, despite having been exiled yet again under an anti-monarchist law of that year.
By 11.30 pm, my stomach was growling and I was lying horizontal on the sofa yawning, as she made mention yet again of leaving.
She waved her hand yet again and opened a purplish rift in the air that glowed with uncertainty.
Time slowed yet again as his wrist shot out a beam of purple electricity from his hand, creating a lightsabre of sorts out of his psychic energy.
You have obviously raised the bar higher yet again and put your newspaper light years ahead of the rest.
All that was left then was a deft lob over the advancing goalkeeper and the City goal machine had struck yet again.
Now the hubble-bubble pipes are being passed round, and al-Madfai changes direction yet again.
It looks like Sir Seton Wills has come to our aid yet again and for that we must be grateful.
With the Benson and Hedges signalling the start of the run-in to the World Championship it seems that The Rocket is yet again the man to beat.
It looked a certain winner but Freestone yet again produced the improbable to push the danger away at full stretch.

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He has yet again launched a personal attack on a public servant without justification.
She quickly hid it back again, however, her eyes becoming guarded and wary yet again.
He has one year left on his contract and yet again yesterday he refused to be drawn on the prospect of any talks to extend it.
A dog might sarcastically wag its tail to express disapproval of being served kibble yet again.
Miller makes like a guitar hero yet again and Prescott screams about being master of his domain.
As mange hits Britain's foxes yet again, our lack of knowledge about the disease, and how best to treat it, becomes ever more apparent.
His body responded to his mind, flooding his loins, yet again.
It's never good form to freak out your hosts, and I had done so yet again.
I was dejected and rejected yet again by someone who cashed my checks to tell me how to deal with dejection and rejection.
It may be that we learn more about the past by focusing on the walk-on parts than by rehearsing yet again the well-known facts about those who occupy centre stage.
I was interrupted yet again by the stupid door banging against the wall.
The tourist season is nearly upon us yet again and one local man, Arthur McGuigan, is already in full swing ferrying tourists around the Village in his charming jaunting car.
At a little after midnight, the generator conked out yet again.
My skirt went right over my head, showing off my undies yet again.
Marcos didn't want to put us off yet again and arranged a slot especially.
I was surprised, yet again, as I saw the interior of the study.
With Wakefield up in the pen yet again as Francona burned through his options, Curt Leskanic came in and got Williams to fly to center to end the inning.
Just the sound of the ball whizzing past me as I was struck out yet again.
Underwear as outerwear is back, yet again, only this time in the form of corsets, bustiers, and underwear detailing.
My feet were placed upon the white marble floor and I sighed yet again.

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Today, yet another election passes by and I am denied franchise yet again, despite the fact that I am a citizen, resident and investor in Trinidad and Tobago.
Now the Mangy Mouse is trying to milk any money it can out of the ape-raised human, hoping to, yet again, hornswoggle parents out of their hard-earned mortgage payments.
But it illustrates yet again the uncomfortably cosy relationship between those in power and those charged with policing them in the nicest possible way.
It was still a lot more acceptable than being in jail, or starving on the streets, or begging a position as a kitchenmaid and starting from the very beginning yet again.
He is flicking idly through the tabloid tittle-tattle, recounting a story of marital strife, laughing at the expense of others, and yet again avoiding work.
He smashed the ball to the back of the net to level the scores yet again.
Twenty-four hours after being arrested for on-the-job drunkenness the suspended teacher was busted yet again for DUI when he returned to pick up his pay packet.
But thanks to us alert Icelanders this evil plot is foiled yet again.
No surprise that the occasion served as a way for Arabs pronouncing on America yet again.
I think it's an absolute disgrace that the price is to rise yet again.
Before I dry-heaved yet again, my eyes focused on something else.
This was impressed on me yet again in his last year at Newsday.
Being the only two farangs there, we were totally conspicuous every time we fell asleep on our knees or did something yet again more unacceptable.
History has, yet again, proven the inadequacies of this analysis.
The physical borders may no longer exist but the authorities are watching and waiting for the moment when these disputed territories have to be renegotiated yet again.
When a few lensmen asked him to pose yet again with the shot before hurling it in the air, he readily agreed and that certainly made a wonderful photograph.
Last week, the Supreme Court decided to review the Adarand case yet again.
The crowd roared their approval as one of Irish racing's greatest favourites rewrote the record books yet again and Pat Smullen repeatedly waved his whip in triumph.
Thespians from the North Kerry area are set to tread the boards yet again in what promises to be a side-splitting feast of comedy drama for audiences.
The prospect of playing county finals yet again in the month of November, and perhaps even in December, seems to be staring us starkly in the face yet again this year.

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But travel even higher still, to the tiny towns clustered on the border of Myanmar, and the cuisine changes yet again.
It appears yet again that our very existence is threatened by the determination of tyrants dissatisfied with anything less than the domination of others.
There is something wonderfully incongruent in the Royal Mail celebrating its monopoly powers by increasing the price of a first class stamp yet again.
So when Baroness Kingsmill published her interim report on the Model Health Inquiry yesterday, I was not surprised to yet again see zero action on size zero.
She kept resisting the command only to be woken up by it yet again.
I realized that I had been overhasty in selecting a dance partner when my toes were trodden on yet again.
We will soon know whether they have found the sweet spot yet again.
I was determined that the name should not yet again be taken from Greek mythology.
He now faced being arrested yet again for what seemed like nonsense.
However, a week before the fight, David Haye sustained a cut to the head which required several stitches, so yet again the fight was postponed.
Who can make their mums and dads weep with delight as their piecrusts rise to perfection yet again.
Napoleon entered Moscow on 14 September, after the Russian Army had retreated yet again.
Sligo Rovers 3 Dundalk 0 MARK QUIGLEY was on the mark yet again as top beat bottom in the Showgrounds last night.
It seems nannyish to recount yet again the catalogue of diseases associated with smoking and drinking.
You could hear the students mutter as they were served sodden spaghetti, yet again, in the cafeteria.
And now it is being reported that producers are rebooting it yet again with a new cast.
Needy, venal and entirely unencumbered with self-knowledge or native wit, the Duchess is yet again the architect of her own misfortune.
The biggest rip-off at the pumps was changing from gallons to litres, the new measurements disguising the fact that prices had jumped yet again.
Paper emerges yet again in his practice as his Proustian madeleine, summoning our evanescing past through its own obsolescence.
Even better for the Little Rock native and Atlanta Hawks start swingman is the fact his salary is set to go up yet again.

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Controversial celebrity Veena Malik has managed to grab the limelight yet again.
Fiji was suspended yet again in December 2006, following the most recent coup.
The supreme court might admit this complaint, and the case will be reopened yet again, at another district court.
In 2007, The Borders team was disbanded yet again as a result of continuing financial difficulties.
Boro had to dig deep into their reserves to overcome a resolute Hednesford and yet again it was the teenage terroriser James Armson who was the scourge of the opposition.
Faced with a vacancy, Disraeli and Derby tried yet again to bring Gladstone, still nominally a Conservative MP, into the government, hoping to strengthen it.
Once again Judy was a nomad, moving to yet again another destination.
Villeneuve changed his mind yet again on 18 October 1805, ordering the Combined Fleet to sail immediately even though there were only very light winds.
Allergan, the company that turned an obscure muscle paralyzer for eyelid spasms, Botox, into a blockbuster wrinkle smoother, hopes to perform cosmetic alchemy yet again.
The most recent change occurred in 2005 when the event was yet again renamed and the decision taken to hold only one per year, this time as Radio 1's Big Weekend.
While they still had internal autonomy, the Cossacks became Muscovite subjects, a transition that would prove to be a dividing point yet again in Pugachev's Rebellion.
It was these texts, translated yet again into Latin, which were the source of the reimport of swathes of lost Classical knowledge into Latin Europe in later centuries.
Spamtard, you have been outed yet again, and bigger than anyone ever thought even a retarded lying spamming moron like you would be remotely capable of allowing!
Split your sides yet again over the Germans, Manuel's rat, Waldorf salads, the builders and Basil thrashing his poor Austin 1100 to within an inch of its life.
Admirers of the absurd might have noticed his BowDry manual sponge water hog strategically located on the boundary edge in case the weatherman got a forecast wrong yet again.
With the Advertising Standards Agency banning a Danone advertisement for making claims that don't stand up, it would seem that functional foods are being criticized yet again.
Lewinsky said that she found herself gun-shy yet again, as she was fearful of becoming an issue if Hillary decided to ramp up her campaign for office.
You see, no doubt, that yet again, thanks to this intertwining, our many-headed sophist has forced us against our will to admit that what is not is in a way.
Then Sherman's force was joined by Rear Admiral Montgomery's three carriers from Spruance's Central Pacific Force to strike Rabaul yet again, on I 1 November.
There is double standards and yet again it seems BASH the small club and take away much needed money from the small clubs, whereas premier league clubs get away with murder.

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So here we go, yet again, to rebut the savage misrepresentation.
In 2003, green onions were yet again implicated in a Pennsylvania outbreak that left over 600 sick with hepatitis A, causing at least four deaths and one liver transplant.
But aja caught her in his arms, and kissed her yet again, as it were against her will.
With eager steps, droughty throats and keen desire they seek the wine cup yet again.
Again came the bugle note, thin and clear, and yet again it sounded.
It is utterly obscene to think of spending pounds 50bn regenerating London Dockland yet again.
And, yet again, Atalanta stooped to pick up the apple of gold.
Every indication is that Iran will unlimber this successful strategy yet again.
With its opinions in Stevens, Snyder, and Brown, the Roberts Court was well poised to defend, yet again, its own variation of First Amendment absolutism.
And yet again he got great Thaumas and proud Phoreys, being mated with Earth, and fair-cheeked Ceto and Eurybia who has a heart of flint within her.
Mr Glob, aged 34, who lives in Coventry, is one of the directors of a new company planning to reopen the night-club in the summer and change its name yet again.
The Green Bay Packers have yet struggled yet again to start the season.
Even as thou didst hear me aforetime when I prayed, and didst press hardly upon the Achaeans, so hear me yet again, and stay this fearful pestilence from the Danaans.


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